31 Days, 31 Villains: #23, Proteus

On today’s Villain Countdown episode, we cover a protagonist in a comedy – how on earth did one of those make it onto the list?? Find out here!

The Villains so far:
#31 – Iachimo, Cymbeline
#30 – Saturninus, Titus Andronicus
#29 – Cloten, Cymbeline
#28, #27 – Chiron and Demetrius, Titus Andronicus
#26 – Caliban, The Tempest
#25 – Shylock, Merchant of Venice
#24 – Cassius, Julius Caesar

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Shakespeare Themes: The Myth of Phaeton

Shakespeare uses Greek mythology in his plays often, and the references he uses serve to illuminate the overarching themes of the moment – today, I present the myth of the demigod Phaeton, and how it’s used in four different Shakespeare plays.
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A snapshot of the myth of Phaeton: Myth of Phaeton